Minggu, 28 September 2014

speaking task "english"

Nama Kelompok 1 :
Berthy KusnithaS
Ni Kadek Susani R
FebriAdi R
NovitaPutri W S

Travelling or dead?
                One day at afternoon in the bali strait,there were two friends from sumatra want  travelled to the bali island.
So,they had toncross bali strait by ship.
Ms.sailor : “5 minute again we will to cross,prepare yourself”
            Tood .... tooddd .... toodd ... ttoooddd ....
Berthy : “oke feb,we must go the ship now!”
Febri : “oh,oke come on ber!”
            After that, they stood beside the nahkoda place..
Febri : “wonderfull ship i think, because they were so near from nahkoda,
             a sailor come to them”
Ms.saillor : “good afternoon i’m sorry Mr and Ms dont stay nearly from Mr nahkoda,
                        because it will distrube him.the ship my be down, understand ?!”
Berthy : “but we want to enjoy the view ?”
Ms.sailor : “oh no no no no you may not, it’s so danger you know?”
Febri : “oh, i have a good idea, how about youaccompany us in this place?”
Ms.sailor : “what? Are you sure ? i am so busy .. oh my god”
            Back sound stop motion.
with the follish exspression,came two tourist, a man and a gril. The man was not too handsome, he didn’t have a white skin,he has flat nose.and the girl she was not beautifull too.. my be she was so fat, oh no no no ......
she was slime if we saw from behind... oppsss!!!
they complated with maewest.suddenly they come to them.
Auva : “i’m sorry miss sailor can we do something from here ?”
Ms.sailor : “what will you do ?”
Berthy : “ wooww ... there are bule.. but,he was not handsome.. huhh....
            oh sorry can i take a     picture with you ?
Febri : “ i fell you should not to do it ber!”
Berthy : “no no.. let’s take a selfie together.. hmm oh wait with you too(take nopita’s hand)
Ms.sailor : “oh my god , i can be crazy if stay here for long time”
Nopita : “ ms.sailor we want to jump down from this ship”
Ms.sailor : “hah? How could you do such as a silly thing? Dont be crazy guys!
            You may do it!”
Nopita : “but, we wannt to enjoy how can jump down from a ship.
            Please we want do it for the forst time”
Nopita dan aufa (prepare to jump)
Ms.sailor : “hey you may be back! Hy it’s so danger, you can kill your self.
            Oh my god help me !!”
(back sound) Came a big strom
Mr.nahkoda : “(Tinn Tiinn....) (talk with the telegraf)
                        Ms our ship will down, you must announce to all of passangers now!”
The ship was wobbly
Ms.silor : “For all passanger,please take and use breavelly
Passangers : :oh my god!! I don’t want to die now!”
Ms.sailor : “ please be quickly.
The passsengers : “noo!!!”

The ship was drown in middle bali strait. It was sadly news. All of the passanger and the sailor was dead.
Ok guys...
From the dialouge we can learn that we must always careful for all situation. Especially inloved our life. So,always take care whenever and whereever...

1.      When did the 2 friend and from where? They want to go to the Bali Island?
a.      Afternoon in the Bali straight, from sumatera
b.      Night in the Bali straight, from sumatera
c.       At morning in malaka straight, from Bali
d.      At morning in Bali straight, from sumatera
e.      Afternoon in malaka straight, from sumatera
2.      “ 5 minutes again we will cross . prepare...”
What is the simmiliar text underlined above?
a.      Driving
b.      Wading
c.       Leave
d.      Gaming
e.      Drifting
3.      Why did the sailor angry to the passangers, who they so nearly from nahcoda’s place?
a.      Cause the passanger has freak
b.      Cause the ship has broken down
c.       Cause it will leaving the nahcoda
d.      Cause it will interferes the the nahcoda when driving the ship
e.      Cause it will leaving the dock by ship

1.      “the ship my be down, understand?”. Word is underline have the meaning of..
a.       Vessel
b.      Engine
c.       Car
d.      Motorboat
e.       Engineer
2.      how about you accompany us in this place”.  Word is underline refuse to.?
a.       Ship
b.       Nahkoda
c.       In deck
d.       Baadroom nahkoda
e.       Private nahkoda
3.       From dialog  about (beause they so near.... until sailor speak what? Are you sure?...) we have moral value?
a.       We have listen to all command nahkoda
b.       We don’t stay to nahkoda because it danger
c.       We don’t offend nahkoda beause it danger
d.       We have stay to nahkoda because from that place we can see beatiful view
e.       We have smart if we stay in nahkoda

1. What will Aufa doing?
a. he will eating
b. he will watch movie
c. he will jump down from ship
e. he wiil takea bath
2. what Berthy doing after looked bule?
a. she ask to take picture with bule
b. she will hit that bule
c. she want enjoy to look the view
d. she invited to eating together
e. she want walking together
3. why ms.sailor forbidden Aufa and Novita to jump down from the ship? Because..
a. it’s so embarrasing
b.it’s so dangers
c. it’s so cool
d. it’s sofunny
e. it’s sointerfere


1. In the diallouge, Febri was said “ i feel you should not do it!” what does it mean?
a. critizing someone
b. encourage someone
c. persuading someone
d. prohibit someone not to do something
e. asking for something

2. which the sentence is true about “critizing someone” in the diallouge?
a. oh, come on!
b. don’t stay nearly from mr.nahkoda
c. it so dangerous
d. how could you do such as a silly thing?
e. we want to jump down

3. “we want to jump down from this ship!” the similar meaning of underline word is....
a. run away
b. climb
c. to leap
e. walk

Berthy Kusnitha S
1. Who went to travelled in the Bali island?
A. Berthy and Febri
B. Berthy and Aufa
C. Novita and Aufa
D. Febri and Novita
E. Aufa and Febri

2. What is the tourist's name?
A. Aufa and Kadek
B. Our group
C. Aufa and his friend
D. Aufa and Novita
E.Novita and Gramma

3. What is the moral value from the dialog above..
A. We must enjoy in the ship
B. We must becarefull for all situation
C. We must bring the camera to share the moment
D. We must selfie everytime
E. We must keep